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You're viewing Wii Play Cheat Codes

Game Name : Wii Play
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-03-22 11:01:00
Views : 16058

Different paddle in Laser Hockey
To play with a round-shaped paddle, press A and B at the same time before a game round starts.

Platinum Medals
Play through the games really well and you will be gifted with a platinum medal instead of a gold medal. You will only be prompted to try for the gold medal, but if you perform the game really really well you'll get a platinum medal instead. Below is a table with the scores needed to get platinum medals.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
BilliardsGet at least 65
Find MiiMake it to the 100th stage
FishingGet at least 2500 points
Laser HockeyScore 16 goals or more and win
Pose MiiGet at least 1000 points
Shooting600 points +
Table TennisMake 200+ returns in a row

Screen saver
Allow the game to idle at the Game menu. Your Mii will fall asleep and new music will play. Your Mii will eventually wake up and the music will return to normal.

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